Thursday 21 April 2011

Crackle Top Coat!

So I once again left it too late to do my nail polish before going out so I had to take it with me haha! It's becoming quite a regular occurrence for me to be sat doing my nails in the pub before heading out to the rock night at Liquid! Anyway, there I was, in the pub with my nail polish trying not to become too engrossed as to lose my place in the conversation with my friends.

The design I chose was pretty simple. I had dug out my Barry M black crackle top coat and chosen a nice glittery red, No7 Cherry Tang, for the base colour. The polish pretty much did the job for me! It was pretty lazy nail art compared to usual but I didn't have enough time to really go to town with them! I didn't get the red as evenly covered as I would have liked, mostly because of the poor quality of light within the public drinking establishment but they look pretty good considering! I did manage to smudge them a bit when picking up my bag as it was time to leave, but never mind.. They look good and I've had lots of comments on them!

Barry M also have other shades of crackle polish out, and Models Own are releasing lots of colours very soon (as mentioned in a previous post) so I am excited to get my hands on other colours to try! This particular polish dries to a matt finish which is a nice contrast with the shine of the red beneath! I haven't used a clear top coat because I'm happy to preserve the different textures.

Anyway, there we are! Red and black crackle nail art! Ta da!


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